The Lord’s Prayer

A fantastic explanation to cherish and practise.

*The “Our Father”Prayer*:

 Do I Really Mean What I Pray?

Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said, “Praying the Our Father and living it will lead us toward saintliness. The Our Father contains everything: God, ourselves, our neighbors….”

Examine how well you live what you pray as you meditate on the following:

I cannot say *OUR* if I keep my faith only to myself and never share it with others.

I cannot say *FATHER* if I do not trust in His loving and complete concern for me, forgetting that He always answers prayers how and when He knows is best.

I cannot say *WHO ART IN HEAVEN* if I am so attached to the ways of this world that I neglect to seek God first in everything.

I cannot say *HALLOWED BE THY NAME* if I am unwilling to let His holiness penetrate my life and help me grow in my own holiness.

I cannot say *THY KINGDOM COME* if I am not using my life to bring His love into the world.

I cannot say *THY WILL BE DONE* if I live by my own ideas of morality or choose to follow the world’s standards.

I cannot say *ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN* if I am not devoting my life to serving Him here on earth.

I cannot say *GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD* if I am not willing to be generous with whatever God gives me.

I cannot say *FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES* if I don’t want to put forth enough effort to change.

I cannot say *AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US* if I still hold a grudge, if I’m still angry, or if I still insist that other people change.

I cannot say *LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION* if I deliberately or knowingly place myself in a position to be tempted.

I cannot say *DELIVER US FROM EVIL* if I’m not actively fighting against evil through deeds of love and service for everyone in my life, especially those who cause problems.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Published on: 07-07-2022